The Tenets and Philosophy of Sanatan Dharma

हिंदी के लिए क्लिक करें


अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् | उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् || 

महोपनिषद् के चतुर्थ अध्याय के ७१ वें श्‍लोक में वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् की जो बात की गई है वही सनातन धर्म का मूल संस्कार तथा विचारधारा है। इसका अर्थ है- धरती ही परिवार है (वसुधा एव कुटुम्बकम्)। महोपनिषद सामवेदिय शाखा के अन्तर्गत एक उपनिषद है।

The focus on वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्  (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) in the 71st verse of the IV Chapter of Mahopnishad (Maha Upnishad) is the basic tenet and ideology of Sanatan Dharma. It means – Earth is the family.

एकम सत विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति, अर्थात , सत्य एक है: जिसे बुद्धिमान विभिन्न नामों से बुलाते हैं।

Now coming to the Almighty, let’s focus our attention on “Ekam sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti”, a Sutra quote that can be traced to the Rigveda and the Upnishads. It literally means “Truth is one, the wise perceive it differently” or God is one, the enlightened or the wise, call him by different names or perceive him differently.

Purush Sukta, the famous hymn from the Rigveda, describes the supreme being or the Almighty as having infinite heads, unnumbered eyes, and unnumbered feet. Enwrapping the universe on every side, he also transcends it. The Almighty or the Lord of immortality  has been and shall be forever.

He is both – the created and not the created universe, since the created universe is a part of his being but not the whole of it.

The Sanskrit aphorism “अहं ब्रह्मास्मीति” (Ahaṁ Brahmāsmīti) – “I am Brahma” or “I am the Infinite Reality” is one of the four Mahavakyas used to explain the unity of macrocosm and microcosm. This mahāvākya is in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of the Shukla Yajurveda.

अहं (Aham) means “I”, that which cannot be deserted or abandoned on account of being constant, Brahman is the Infinite Reality – the all encompassing universe and beyond; only when the ego dies can this be realized.

To appreciate the infinite reality, let’s first look at the expanse of the universe: Kepler satellite observatory has identified 1,235 planets orbiting other stars. Kepler’s planets are 500 to 3,000 light years away. It would take 300,000 years for voyager I (now leaving the solar system at 62, 765 kms/hr) to travel to gliese 581, one of the nearest planetary systems 20-light years away. At a distance of 500 to 3,000 light years, Kepler’s planets are too far for direct contact.

हिंदी के लिए क्लिक करें

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